Compare Dimensions
Our most popular dimensions are pictured, to scale.
Icon Styles
Depending on the size and theme, Holy Icons are available in both Recessed and Level styles.
The groove in our recessed icons adds depth to the Iconography, making the icon even more dramatic and impressive. In order to keep the relative proportions, the depth of the groove changes with the size of the Holy Icon.
Level icons allow the Iconography to retain its boldness even in smaller sizes. As such most of our level icons have smaller dimensions.
Backside Details
Backside details vary with icon size and serve to ensure that your Holy Icon will stand the test of time.
Solid wooden icons of larger dimensions are prone to bending and damaging as time passes. Fortunately, our Holy Icons are supported by two additional, horizontal wooden protective panels on the backside. These panels bolster the icon and allow it to sustain its shape, ensuring that your Holy Icon will remain in its original, pristine condition as it is passed down from generation to generation.
Icons of smaller dimensions are naturally sustainable over time, and experience less structural stress. As such, you will find that the backside of smaller Holy Icons is flat and proportional to their shape.
The Art of
Making Holy Icons
Making Holy Icons