For Each Occasion of Our Life and Faith

New to Orthodoxy & Catachumens

The Orthodox Church is experiencing major growth as people, especially in the modern West, reject the shallow materialism of modernity and return home to the ancient faith of the Christian fathers dating back to the time of Christ. The time-tested spiritual nourishment offered by the Orthodox Faith, unchanged for two millenia, is a rock of consistency in a raging sea of self-interest. The reinvigorated culture of monasticism in Orthodoxy in the 21st century has played no small part in the expansion of the One True Faith.

For cradle Orthodox, icons, books, crosses and prayer items have been parts of our lives and homes since before we can remember. But for many Orthodox catechumens (faithful who are proceeding towards baptism or chrismation) these items may be new or unfamiliar. We are grateful to be able to offer Holy Icons, Crosses, prayer ropes and books, all of which make excellent gifts for catechumens to set them on the right path.

Icon of Jesus Christ

Christ said "I am the way, and the truth, and the life." Catachumens seeking to bring Christ into their lives and homes may begin with an icon of Jesus Christ. Pictured here is the icon of Jesus Christ the Lifegiver, a title fitting for our Lord and Savior.

All icons of Jesus Christ can be found here.

Prayer Rope

"Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner."

The monastic fathers of the Church encourage us to say the Jesus Prayer in our hearts at all times. The prayer rope is the ideal tool to learn to pray in this fashion. We hold the rope in the right hand and thumb through a knot each time we say the prayer.

All prayer ropes and monastic items can be found here.

The Orthodox Faith, Worship, and Life - Athonite

The Orthodox Faith, Worship and Life

Written by Hieromonk Gregorios, this is a tremendous resource and lifelong reading companion for any Orthodox Christian. It is a comprehensive yet succinct Orthodox catechism, suitable for students and teachers, from the newest Catechumen to the cradle Orthodox Christian. Read more here.

New Beginnings

The Hospitality of Abraham - Athonite

The Hospitality of Abraham

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Archangel Michael, Full Stature - Athonite

Archangel Michael

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Synaxis of the Holy Archangels - Athonite

Synaxis of the Holy Archangels

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Graduations & Scholarly Achievements

Three Holy Hierarchs - Athonite

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For Clergy & The Newly Ordained

Saint John Chrysostom - Athonite

Saint John Chrysostom

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Ampelos - Athonite


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Bilingual Holy Gospel

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The Baptism of our Lord

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The Mystery of Holy Baptism

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Patron Saint

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Health & Spiritual Strength

Synaxis of the Holy Unmercenaries - Athonite

Synaxis of the Holy Unmercenaries

The “Holy Unmercenaries” are an honored group of Orthodox Christian Saints who refused payment for good deeds, most notably for healing of body but also for other services. These Saints lived out Christ’s exhortation: “Freely you have received, freely give.” (Matthew 10:8). The word “unmercenaries” is a transliteration of the Greek term “αναργυρων” which means “without silver”, indicating refusal of payment for services, since silver was the primary currency during the early years of the Church and most of human history since the invention of money.

This icon honors a large grouping of 20 Holy Unmercenaries from the early church. Read more here.

Saint Nektarios

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Saint Panteleimon - Athonite

Saint Panteleimon

Saint Panteleimon was a proficient physician who because of his compassion to others, he was renamed “Panteleimon”, coming from the Greek word “eleimosini” or compassion. In the name of Christ, Panteleimon performed many miracles, including giving sight to a blind man. We pray to him to grant us relief from physical ailments. His icon is found here.

ephraim nea makri

luke the surgeon

illness & the believer


strength book?

pantanassa? for cancer

paraskevi - eyes

Holy Week & Pascha (Easter)

The Resurrection - Athonite

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"Today is hung upon the cross, He who hung the earth amid the waters."

and the actual cross

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prodigal son

palm sunday


The Adoration of the Magi/Kings - Athonite

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Mother of God - Athonite

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michael the great